lunes, 3 de agosto de 2020


Well I personally would have preferred another topic to finish the blogs, but I still appreciate interesting talk about our careers. My career lasts 5 years, the last year is semiannual and internships are divided into the first semester corresponding to the first cycle (0 to 3 years) and the second semester with the second cycle (3 to 6 years).

In relation to the branches I feel that they should focus more on education with children than on teaching us the basis of aeducation and its history, its epsitemology etc, I am not saying that it is a bad thing but I feel that we should go deeper into those who will have to live as educators rather than in the foundations. (it is worth mentioning that I personally hate with life the field of epistemology 10/4)

I also believe that we should have courses where we are taught to use the technologies to our advantage as teachers, because children are more and more inverse in this world, and there is no better learning than the one that is meaningful for everyone

In relation to the infrastructure of my faculty I think it is very "adock" as with the people who go in it, represents a variety of people, personally "I love". Although in relation to the rooms I feel that it is a disaster, some lack ventilation or are very small, in relation to that I think the classrooms are the best rooms for everything!!

I would love to meet a little more of your fellow careers so I will gladly go to read your latest blogs

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