viernes, 24 de julio de 2020


What is your opinion on the Chilean tradition called 'mechoneo'? I think it’s something that’s gone out of style, when I went to college I was really afraid of this famous lock-up because I’d always heard of it as something a little traumatic, I sincerely believe that it is something that takes all your rights as a person, and I have nothing more to say about it.

What’s your take on tattoos? I love them, I just love them, I feel that they are a very nice way to express art, your emotions, or leave embodied either in a sentence a portrait or whatever something, someone or some moment you want to remember in time... or just make yourself something nice. I personally already have 7 and I intend to be many more. In addition to breaking the stereotype that tattoos are "thugs" because I’m going to be an educator with tattoos.

What is your opinion on the legalization of abortion in some cases? I feel that it is a very controversial issue, but in a few words I consider that it is everyone’s decision, in relation obviously to the case, that each one is owner of his body, but I also consider that it is not to arrive and abort so I consider that the three causes help to make that decisión

What’s your opinion of women in the military? I think this is very good, which breaks with the stereotype that it is something only for men, little by little women are taking greater empowerment and that both men and women can do the same, and perform in the same way.

miércoles, 15 de julio de 2020


Today we talk about our favorite animated characters, I must confess that I am a fan of this type of movies, I consider them one of my main sources of fun in this quarantine, I get the vast majority of songs, although I must admit that my favorite character is sprit but does not fall into the category of animation studio since it is from Dreamworks Animation jijiji

My second favorite animated character is moana from the movie "Moana: a sea of adventures", it is about an islander who is daughter of the chief of the island motunui, this young woman was chosen by the sea since she was a baby to return the heart of te-teka who is the evil side of the goddess te-fiti cradora of life, which was stolen by mahui a semi-god.

Moana embarks on a great adventure, where she must cross the entire ocean, to find the teka, return her heart and thus save her island that is slowly being destroyed.

I like her because I feel that she is a very concerned woman of her island and the people who are on it, a woman very attached to her culture, her family, especially her grandmother and her heritage, with which I feel very identified because I feel that the family is a fundamental pillar in the life of each one of us, it is the impulse and at the same time the shelter

miércoles, 8 de julio de 2020



To be honest, the idea of continuing to study doesn’t encourage me very much, I feel that we spend a lot of time in our lives in standardized learning, I mean the fact that we have to go to school , etc. I am one of the people who believes that one is in constant learning but not necessarily has to do with some kind of establishment, I feel that everything is learning, but well that is not the discussion today.

The truth if I would like , perhaps, only perhaps at the end of my career validate it with psychopedagogy, is something that has always called me the antenna but I believe that the university of chile does not have the career, so I would have to see the possibility of studying it elsewhere, but it’s something I’m still thinking,

I also liked to study psychology for a while, but I don’t know haha I guess that life will forge the path that I will live, for the moment I am happy where I am going.I value very much people who like the idea of learning and having degrees and that kind of thing, I feel that we all have a list of things to do in our lives and for some it is to have many degrees for others to learn about life and what surrounds them.

All learning is valuable as long as we know how to use it